THE “WRONG” GIFT AT CHRISTMAS!! – The Gift of Singleness
Have you ever woke up and felt yet again God gave you the wrong gift at Christmas? Every year my family does a gift exchange and every year we prepare a list of exactly what we want from this exchange. My mother is the kind of person whose face will show every disapproving detail if your gift was not an item chosen from her carefully crafted list. One year I remember taking my time at a pottery barn to design and paint her a pottery trinket. This, of course, was not on her list, but I made it and thought she would love it! Boy was I wrong, the look alone on my mother’s face told me I had made the wrong move. She was confused, disappointed and most of all hurt cause this was never on her list!
Today I woke up again with the same gift God has been giving me for so many years and again this gift was NOT on my list. You see God has closed the doors to all my previous flames, so there is no going back and He has not opened any NEW doors so there is still nowhere to go forward. So once again on this December 25th, 2015 I told God; “I have been given the “wrong” gift at Christmas, I have been given the Gift of Singleness again!!!”
However instead of sulking, I started to pray about this gift, thinking how many of us have been sitting dreading Christmas time or refusing to get in the “Christmas spirit” because we felt God is about to give me the “wrong” gift once again. How many of us are like my mother looking at God confused, disappointed and hurt because no matter how many “All I want for Christmas” songs we sing and list we make, there is still nobody under the tree. If this is you and even for just a second you allowed the Holiday to pressure you to reject this gift I want you to read the FIVE myths about the gift of singleness that Holy Spirit revealed to me today!
1. The gift of singleness is not really a good gift - Oh but it is, when someone has a spouse and a family they are stretched in so many ways, they don’t have as much time to pursue all the great things God placed in their heart to do for themselves. Going back to school, learning to play and instrument or traveling the world are all things that may have to take a back seat when you have to return this gift. God does not want you sitting in a marriage you begged for, singing “shoulda, woulda, coulda’s!” He wants you to enjoy this gift today.
Truth: James 1: 17: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
2. If I accept this gift I will NEVER receive the gift of marriage- LIES! Don’t let the devil fool you. God does not succumb to our temper tantrums and pouting. Accepting and enjoying this gift doesn’t mean you will have it for life, it simply means you have learned to trust God’s timing and His will.
Truth: Ecclesiastes 3:1- There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens
3. God doesn’t want me to be happy – God created you with that void in your heart, that longing and that desire to be loved. So OFCOURSE GOD WANTS YOU TO BE HAPPY! However, God keeps giving you this gift because He wants you to realize that the emptiness and desire you have is for Him. God knows how painful your marriage will be if you don’t understand this truth. So He has given you this gift because He doesn’t want you in a marriage that you are crying and begging Him to get out of two years from now. He wants you to fill your void with Him FIRST!!
Truth: Zephaniah 3:17: The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."
4. Christmas time is better when you spend it with someone you romantically love - Christmas time is better when you spend it with someone you love period. It doesn’t have to be a romantic partner. We have so much beautiful things going on in our lives, but instead of indulging in these blessings we focus on this one gift of marriage that we didn’t get instead of the million other gifts of family, prosperity, shelter, laughter and most of all the gift of Christ’s love.
Truth: Psalm 37: 4- Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
5. The gift of marriage is still a WAY better gift – That’s because you haven’t opened the gift of singleness. You’re still looking distastefully at the box. You have NO idea how many dreams God wants to give you through this gift because you won’t open it up. TRUST me being purposely single is way better than being married and lost on any day!
Truth: 1st Peter 3:17 - For it is better, if God should will it so, that you suffer for doing what is right rather than for doing what is wrong.
So if you have gotten up this morning once again and have received the gift of singleness on this Christmas day; don’t question the gift, simply thank God for it. Those closed doors, although you may not see it today are blessings in disguise. God wanted to set you free, He wanted to give you all the things you been praying for and He needs you to understand that this gift is a part of the process to those blessings. When your future begins to unfold you will see why this gift was perfect during this time, you will see why certain people you had to leave behind. You will soon see that this season, this gift and even your pain were all ordained!
Sure I can tell you the cheesy “Jesus is the reason for the season” line, but I won’t, because we are still human and no matter how hard we try, we may still feel a slight ping at certain moments throughout today. This is when I want you to remember the myths and then I want you to accept Christ’s truth. This is when I want you to pray. This is when I want you to seek Christ face because that ping you feel is Him wanting your attention. Take all that attention and energy and pour it into giving back into the many people around you who need it! And when you open your gift of singleness and any other physical gifts you may receive, open it with expectancy and joy of all the things that Christ will be able to do with and through you this year. Enjoy your gift today and for some of you this may be the last Christmas you ever receive this gift! So be sure to make a good one!!!
Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of His righteousness will be added unto you
The Holy Spirit woke me up to preach this message to me and told me to gift it to all the avid readers of my blog. So this is my gift to YOU and I hope that it blesses you as much as it blessed me!
Thanks for this post! Merry Christmas!