THE “WRONG” GIFT AT CHRISTMAS!! – The Gift of Singleness

Have you ever woke up and felt yet again God gave you the wrong gift at Christmas? Every year my family does a gift exchange and every year we prepare a list of exactly what we want from this exchange. My mother is the kind of person whose face will show every disapproving detail if your gift was not an item chosen from her carefully crafted list. One year I remember taking my time at a pottery barn to design and paint her a pottery trinket. This, of course, was not on her list, but I made it and thought she would love it! Boy was I wrong, the look alone on my mother’s face told me I had made the wrong move. She was confused, disappointed and most of all hurt cause this was never on her list! Today I woke up again with the same gift God has been giving me for so many years and again this gift was NOT on my list. You see God has closed the doors to all my previous flames, so there is no going back and He has not opened any NEW doors so there is still nowhere to go f...