As Good as it Gets

                Often when we think of goodness or someone who is good to us we think of people who praise us, buy us things, do things for us, something similar to kindness, we want to feel as if we benefited in some way. An often times when these things are done we tend to brag on the person and say this person is so “good” to me. However I have been blessed me with people in my life who have also been “good” to me in a different kind of way.
                One of the things I love to do is host public events, host on the radio and even host TV shows. So one of the first times I had the opportunity to host a show on the radio I got so excited.  I blasted the message on Facebook and I set up the radio before I left home so my mom and entire family could listen to me. I got on the show and the vibe and energy was just how I hoped it would be; exciting and engaging. We had so much fun, I left feeling so hyped. I know being in this atmosphere was a part of my calling, this was one of the things I was born to do. On top of that, I got text from a few friends saying; “Good job” and “Great show”.  The producers in the studio even asked when I would be back because they also loved my energy.

Now for those who know me well, you would know that my love language is “words of affirmation” so by this time you also know that my smile was WIDE and I was on cloud 15! So as I drove home I became even more excited about all of the praise that my family was also going to give me, that this smile just wouldn’t leave my face. When I walked in the door in my excitement I asked “So how did you like the show?” My mom and sister told me to sit down, at this time my smile began to fade and I’m thinking “For what?” “I was good right?” they said “yeah….but we have a list”. “A list ?  Burr?  A list for what? “ They then went through this long list of things I could have done better, needless to say, they killed my buzz and my ego was completely deflated. The overall “It was still good” at the end of their list, served as no cushion, I was upset. After calming down, I prayed about their advice and how they assured me, they only said it to help. They loved me so much they wanted me to always do my best. God reminded me that despite any natural talent you may have there is always room for improvement and if you’re serious about this passion, you have to be serious enough to take critiques that are given out of love and apply it to your craft.  Sometimes we find it hard to take criticism. We feel if someone wants to be “good” to us, they’ll simply tell us the things that we want to hear; the things that make us feel “GOOD”, instead of trying to rain on our parade.
God places people in our lives to show us goodness that sometimes hurts but helps, because this is how He often shows us His love for us. God is good to us ALL the time, even when he is correcting us. We brag on God when he blesses us with everything we ever wanted, but we don’t brag when He is teaching us patience and revealing our selfish egos and insecurities.  If God is taking you through a trying time, don’t doubt his timing, He is still doing good work, he is doing good by protecting you, hiding you, correcting you and preparing you. The discipline, the critique, the molding is hard, I know trust me, but it’s because of His goodness that He chooses to correct you in love. Instead of praising you when He knows there are things He still needs to develop in you.

 A lot of us don’t keep family or friends close who will critique or correct us when we need it, but if their doing it out of love, I encourage you to keep them around. Have at least one friend or family member who can be REAL enough to “check you” and give you a constructive loving way to improve, because that kind of love is benefiting you more than you could ever know.  I am not the best radio personality, but I am better than I was on my first show because people who really loved me, showed me goodness by being brave enough to critique me and help me to be better. So remember that sometimes a little tough love is as Good as it Gets!

Philippians 1:6: And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. 


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