New Year's Resolution – Kill 'em with Kindness

New Year's Resolution – Kill 'em with Kindness As I sit and reflect on the last few days of 2013, I am beginning to pray about the things I feel God is leading me to do in 2014. 2013 was a year for growth and change and I believe that 2014 will be a year of harvest and blessing. If you read my first entry in August you will see that one of the things I lacked the last time God blessed me with a season of harvest and blessing was humility. Like I've mentioned before I struggled with selfishness for a long time, so I wanted to make a promise to God to always remain humble and to always find a way to be a blessing to others, especially during a season of harvest. I have realized that God has blessed me in so many ways and has taught me a lot of things. Therefore learning how to truly exercise the fruit of the spirit kindness is definitely a goal of mine for 2014. One of the things that inspired this change was watching others give so much of th...