Mind Shift - LEVEL UP

It's scary that one of the most freeing comments I heard this year, came from someone I once considered an enemy, I mean I HATED this woman, how we even got into a conversation, is a story for another day, let's just say God works in mysterious ways. However, her words created a spiraling mind shift, one that I would have never been exposed to if I continued to hold on to the hate I had in my heart for her. But you see that's how the real enemy keeps us defeated. He sends us on an ego trip, creating world war three with persons we never really took the time to get to know or give grace to. So what exactly did she say?

"I really like Freeport, I wish I could have stayed longer!" Ok for those who are not from the Bahamas; Freeport, the island I live on, has been seen as the step-child of the Bahamas for a very long time, so for anyone to sing its praises, especially my archenemy was a little surprising. For those of you who may still be thinking this statement still shouldn't have caused such a life-changing response, let me explain. In 2016 God told me not to go back to LA, but that he needed me in Freeport for a reason. So I stayed physically, but to be honest, spiritually and mentally I was far from here. I didn't even realize it, but I actually took comfort in knowing, that no one really knew where I lived. I was proud to be from Freeport, but I didn't exactly want to live here. However God had greater plans, plans I did not begin to accept until August of this year. When he woke me up and said, I'm tired of the devil stealing all the things I have planned for you and you should be too! GET UP!! You are under attack and it's time for you to FIGHT!

I was utterly confused, what battle, what attack, I living Jesus, what you talking about? NO, you are not, you are existing and WAITING! Waiting for something to fall out the sky and save you, it's time for you to get out of this slavery mentality, stop wandering around this mountain and LEVEL UP! Let me tell you something friend, if you feel you are in a wilderness season, it's not because you are waiting on God, TRUST me you're not, He's waiting for you. God made me disconnect from social media, cut out ALL distractions, get on my knees and give Him the keys, He was getting ready to SHIFT MY MIND!
Before this time with God this is how I saw my life: 

Spiritual Life: I know God in theory, I talk a good talk, but my walk isn't fruitful

Prayer Life: What I do when I want something from God and when I wake up in the morning

Purpose: God blesses MY plans and visions; I'm a doer, not a dreamer.

Finances: Broke as a joke, this debt is a serious thing! 

Partner in Purpose: Boy I tell ya, ain't none of them out here who bout that Jesus life

My Church: Boring, dated and probably will never recover from that 2013 Fire

My Island (Freeport): A dried up economy with no hope in sight! 

When focusing on the restructuring of my mind when it came to my finances, a finance blog I started to follow gave me this simple yet powerful visual. 

Thoughts -- >  Feelings --> Actions --> Results 

As a man thinketh so is he, if I think I'm broke, I'll feel broke, therefore my actions will reflect someone with a broke mindset and the results will be BROKE Kerel. However if I think that I'm in transition to wealth, I'll feel better about creating that wealth, I'll ask myself questions that force me to figure out how to create even more wealth, how to manage and track my current wealth and the results, well, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, it was MORE WEALTH! P.S. My so-called "enemy" she dropped some seeds of knowledge on finance that day as well. ;) 

The REAL enemy was stealing from me, in those 60 days with God:

The first week we found over a grand $1000 of my money, that was just misplaced  in my house

I was offered and went on TWO international speaking engagements, a four-year-old dream, offered and manifested in less than 60 days!!! 

I recovered my six weeks recorded small group study guide shot back in 2016 and it will finally be released before the end of 2018!

Detroit, Michigan - September 2018

Man, this is only a tip of the iceberg of all the things God manifested during this time with him, what I'm saying is, you have not because you ask not. I had to stop trying to live life on my terms, God is waiting for you! 

Proverbs 11: 27 Whoever seeks good, finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it.
God transformed my mind to see: 

Spiritual Life: He chases me, He loves me, He corrects me, fills every void, I'm unworthy but I accept it freely! 
Psalm 51:10

Prayer Life: The only way to FIGHT the enemy, every second, every hour of every day, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood, we fight through prayer
1 Thessalonians 5:17  

Purpose: Give me the desire to obey YOUR visions and plans for my life
Philippians 2:13

Finances: Money comes to me easily and abundantly according to God's perfect will
Malachi 3:10

Partner in Purpose: God's timing is perfect and His work through us will be manifested 
Songs of Solomon 8:4

My Church: His church is the people, not the building, it's time for me to help build people
Matthew 16:18 

My Island (Freeport): An island of untapped resources and amazing opportunities for growth! 
2 Chronicles 7:14

It's not simply positive thinking, it's CONSTANT renewal of the MIND and Christ-led ACTION! As Joyce Meyer says; it's time to say goodbye "Stinking thinking!"  - 1 Corinthians 2:9 


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