Mind Shift - LEVEL UP

It's scary that one of the most freeing comments I heard this year, came from someone I once considered an enemy, I mean I HATED this woman, how we even got into a conversation, is a story for another day, let's just say God works in mysterious ways. However, her words created a spiraling mind shift, one that I would have never been exposed to if I continued to hold on to the hate I had in my heart for her. But you see that's how the real enemy keeps us defeated. He sends us on an ego trip, creating world war three with persons we never really took the time to get to know or give grace to. So what exactly did she say? "I really like Freeport, I wish I could have stayed longer!" Ok for those who are not from the Bahamas; Freeport, the island I live on, has been seen as the step-child of the Bahamas for a very long time, so for anyone to sing its praises, especially my archenemy was a little surprising. For those of you who may still be thinking this statement...