
Showing posts from February, 2014

LOVE: Are you really ready for Love?

Are you in Love? Or are you really ready for Love? I remember at the beginning of my senior year of high school, I met my first serious boyfriend and in one of our first conversations he asked if I had ever been in love before. I replied “OF COURSE not! Do you know what being in love really means?”   Boy did he sure open up a can of worms when he said to tell him. I took out my bible and began to recite 1 st Corinthians 4- 13. Riddling off each verse as if I truly understood what these words meant. As I sit here as a 28 year old and over 12 years later, I now realize how insightful, yet so clueless I truly was. Although I could recite the scriptures, I really didn’t know what it meant to love like the list below; this list makes you ask the question; Am I really ready for Love? 1 st Corinthians 13 says…    Love is Patient –every time you ask your partner to do something on your personal time frame you’re not showing love; so guys when you ask your lady for sex...

As Good as it Gets

                Often when we think of goodness or someone who is good to us we think of people who praise us, buy us things, do things for us, something similar to kindness, we want to feel as if we benefited in some way. An often times when these things are done we tend to brag on the person and say this person is so “good” to me. However I have been blessed me with people in my life who have also been “good” to me in a different kind of way.                 One of the things I love to do is host public events, host on the radio and even host TV shows. So one of the first times I had the opportunity to host a show on the radio I got so excited.  I blasted the message on Facebook and I set up the radio before I left home so my mom and entire family could listen to me. I got on the show and the vibe and energy was just ...