How do I know if I'm REALLY ready for Love

When I was 16 my first ever real boyfriend asked me if I had ever been in love. I quickly said no, and proceeded to give my ever so eloquent response of 1st Corinthians chapter 13 on why I said no. In my naivety I riddled off this scripture like I was the sharpest bible scholar you know, not that this scripture wasn’t the truth, I just wasn’t. I sat there reciting this verse like I really knew what any of this meant. The truth is I didn’t. I had no clue what it meant to be patient, kind, not jealous or self-seeking. However despite not knowing the truth behind these verses, a couple months passed, butterflies continued to grow and before I knew it I was in the back of his car whispering, “ I love you too!” * rolls eyes*, But lord knows I was not ready for what would happen next…. NOW if you read my book; The One Year Challenge, you would know exactly what happened next, look at you was ready for the juicy details! But seriously it was a laundry list of...