If a woman is over 32, never married & has no children, there is something WRONG with Her?

I remember the first time I watched that clip in 2015 with a man making this statement “If a woman is over 32, never been married and has no children, something is WRONG with HER!” I was appalled, but if I’m being honest a part of me also thought, well I’m actually 29 right now, so I got few years left! Sad hey, but it’s honestly the truth, in that moment my worth was honestly wrapped up in such an ignorant statement. Now as a 32-year-old woman, thoughts of society honestly often play on my insecurities, so during my devotion yesterday God took me to 1 Corinthians chapter 7. Come on Bible scholars you know this chapter, as single Christians who hope to one day get married, we rather spend all day in the book of Ruth than to venture into Paul’s teachings in Corinthians on how some of us are “called” to be single. However, the revelation God gave me through this chapter is exactly what I needed. Paul basically tells us, it’s better to stay single because we will be able to be dev...