The Purpose Behind my POST - By Karissma Robinson

I believe blogging is a special calling. Many don't understand why countless women and men let their fingers meet the keys to tell the world about their triumphs and trials. I believe the reason behind why each person begins is different, but the one common factor is that we are simply called. Called to share our views, interest and the various unexpected outcomes of life in an effort to help at least one other person along the way! As promised each month this year I would share insight from a guest blogger and today I a proud to feature a piece by Karissma Robinson in the Purpose behind my post! Way back in the day when a flip phone was the in thing I stumbled across the wonderful world of blogging. It was a new, but interesting world for me as someone who is very opinionated and expressive. It took a while for me to get started though because I wasn't too comfortable about putting my thoughts, opinions and experiences out there in the ...