WHY I AM NOT MARRIED – 10 Responses I finally have to your Question!

It never ceases to amaze me the gumption and nerve of people who love to ask you the most awkward questions ever. So in case you fall into this category I want you to know The “So Why are you not married?” question is just as annoying as the” Why have you put on so much weight?” question. Like honestly what do you want the person to say? Do you think this question makes for a great talking piece, NEWSFLASH! It doesn’t.! People ask this question as if it is as simple as going to the store and buying some juice. “So how come you aren’t married yet?” “You know I forgot to do that yesterday, it just totally slipped my mind, but tomorrow I’ll swing down to the store, grab me a spouse, find a priest and get hitched, I really don’t know what I was thinking!” Like seriously stop asking such a complex and intimate question, when I highly doubt you are prepared for the real answer. An to be honest I’m tired of staring at you like a dear in headlights because I simply can’...