Why is GOD Taking SO LONG???

Have you ever thought to yourself, God is taking too long and I know that I am ready to handle this particular thing in my life right now? Have you ever said; this “promise” from God has to be a figment of my imagination because my miracle is taking way too long. As the microwave generation we want things NOW, when we want it and how we want it. The thing is the more “’prayed” up we are, the less humility we have to wait and trust God to see us through. We've fasted so much we tend to get cocky and say “our miracle should be here by now”, we go to church every Sunday; so we deserve to have this blessing. Sarah, Abraham’s wife also felt this way. Sarah received word that her and Abraham would have finally a baby. This was something Sarah wanted for a long time and when God finally told her it would happen. She laughed because she couldn't believe in her old age that God actually decided to answer her prayer. I remember when I got the first delay for my new job. I...