I want a REAL relationship with God, but I don’t know where to START??

I could NEVER sing songs like “He wants it ALL” or “All I NEED is you Lord”, the guilt of the song would cripple me, because I honestly thought I couldn’t give God my ALL. When my ALL meant that I couldn’t go to certain places with friends, when giving my ALL went against the relationship I had with my current boyfriend or when giving God my ALL meant reading my bible and going to church when I really didn’t want to. It simply wasn’t true; I didn’t want to ALWAYS please God I wanted to please my flesh. See as long as I could live with half of my leg in the world and half of my leg with God, I was good, right?? Why not, everyone else was doing it; they didn’t seem to be dying from fire and brimstone. So I worshiped on Sundays and did what was pleasing to me during the week, I mean I acknowledged God, I was a morally good person, so I still was going to heaven right?? Little did I know that in God’s eyes I was living worst than a person who just decided to out rightly live a l...