
Showing posts from September, 2014

"So God told you he/she was the "ONE", 8 ways to figure out if it was really GOD or just YOU!"

          A lot of people at one time or another have said, “I feel like God has told me this is the person I should marry”. Now don’t get me wrong, often times they are people who end up getting married and sometimes being married for the rest of their lives. So I am not here to dispute the fact that you can hear from God. So all of the married people reading this post, I am not saying that God didn't tell you to marry that man or woman that you’re with, so you can cease fire lol, but how many of us can be honest about the fact that you have dated someone in the past or maybe you're dating someone now that you felt God told you was the “ONE” only to realizes months or years later that you were TOTALLY WRONG! A few years ago I was dating a guy for a very short time, and when it didn't work out I was devastated and was convinced the break up would only be for a short while. So while trying to get over the relationship, I tried to grow closer with God and would