As I sit on this balcony overlooking the water, I think back to how faithful God has really been. “I’m not where I need to be, but I’m definitely not where I use to be!” God I just want to take a minute to bask in your awesomeness, your faithfulness and your unconditional love, you blessed me with 29 unforgettable years on this earth and I praise you for your grace and favor. 28 taught me a lot of really hard lessons; it was a year of pure growth. It was also a year that really grew my faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and not seen. On my Birthday Food tour, my bestie (well one of, we’re a tripod just so you know lol) , but yeah like I was saying one of my besties asked “What are 3 things you hope to do before you turn 30?”. I started to list some things that were already in motion and she quickly said they didn’t count. I’m thinking if I can’t even see how a certain thing could happen, I don’t know if I want to put it on my list. In my h...