The Comparing Game.... Got Peace?

The Comparing Game Social Media has taken over our lives. You no longer just hear of friends’ engagements, promotions, awesome new houses, lavish vacations and birth of their newborn babies. You see it, you live it and sometimes you ENVY it. Recent studies that focus on the influence of social media suggest that Facebook evokes envy and insecurity as a user is constantly comparing their "friends'" images with their own. So in a society consumed with social media, how do we find PEACE with our portion? How do we find contentment in the season that God has placed us in? There is a popular saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side”, but I prefer the saying, “The grass is greener where you water it”. When you establish a relationship with God, you understand and realize everything you beg and hope for, God isn't just going to give you it. God has awesome blessings for us, but all of these blessings are blessings according to His Will and not our...